Postavke kolačića



  • QUDAL - QUality meDAL MILLENNIALS 2017/2018 as Croatia´s NO. 1 Honey Brand for quality, ICERTIAS, Zurich, 2017.
  • Silver medal for innovative product Propocian capsules, 65. International Trade Fair, IENA, Nürnberg 2013.
  • Bronze medal for innovative product Propocian capsules, The world exhibition on inventions, research and new technologies Innova, Brussels 2013.
  • Bronze medal for the Farmakol product line in the category of syrup products, 41. Salon International des Inventions de Geneve, 2013.
  • Bronze Plaque for our honey-propolis syrup, ARKA 2011.
  • Osijek - National Honey Assessment
    - twice proclaimed quality champion (1999 and 2001)
    - 21 golden spoons won
    - 6 silver spoons won
  • First prize – best honey packaging (2002)
  • First prize – best packaging for bee products for health improvement (Apitherapy programme; 2002)
  • Golden medal for quality – 41st International Zagreb Food Fair, 24–28 April 2001
  • Golden plaque – best company in Zagreb, in the category of small companies; Croatian Chamber of Economy, Zagreb branch, 2001
  • API-EXPO 2003 World Fair in Ljubljana, Apitherapy
    PIP programme took 4th place out of 40 countries from around the world
  • ARCA 2006 Innovative Company Award, Zagreb